Sunday, June 28, 2020

Cream of chicken and lentil soup

Hi Natty!  Yes Honey, I listened to your podcast.  Are you hungry?  I was looking into my cooler at whatever was left in there, and I had an idea.  All I needed was a pint of milk, so I went out and bought one.  What I learned from lentils is that lentils will not be cooked in non-traditional ways.  Therefore, lentil soup.  Now the boneless chicken breast I always buy is not skinless.  I usually chop up the skin and fry them up crispy to make artificial bacon bits for my ramen.  But I thought it would go better with lentils if I let them stay soft and white.  After soaking the lentils, I blended them in milk as fine as possible.  I could have bought cream, but the lentils add thickness to soups.  Then after frying up the chopped chicken skin and chopped garlic, I added the blended lentils.  Yeah it was so thick, I could stand a spoon in it.  So I had to add water.  It didn't take too long to cook at low heat, but it needed to be constantly stirred or the lentils would cake at the bottom of the pot.  The only thing left was bouillon, and it was a success.  Alhamdulillah!  Served with fresh home made pita bread.  Very filling, very milky, very mild!