Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160224

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Scrapper!  Hi Smiley!  How is the most beautiful girl in the world?  My girl is the most beautiful girl in the world.  How's business today?  Please don't overwork, get plenty of rest, eat properly, and maintain your prayers.  It's business as usual for me today.  I didn't have to commute anywhere though, which makes it a great day for me.  I hate commute.  I thought of you all day.  I love you and I need you.

I want to remind all of you that it's the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Verdun.  Yesterday my barber confused France for America.  I guess he was thinking about Verdun.  I don't want to paste a video here because it's unromantic, because a war of attrition is absolutely unromantic, Verdun being the most ghastly of them all.  Unlike World War Two, which was a pagan uprising and the revenge of one man, World War One had a very political beginning.  It was a war of cousin against cousin, Christian against Christian.  I do think that you should have knowledge of this matter since you are Mrs. Global, and I found a link for you to study.  Videos can be too graphic: in this case, something to read would be more appropriate for someone as beautiful as you.