Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151210

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How's it going, my beloved?  How's business?  I pray you are getting sufficient rest and enjoying yourself.  Please pray.  There's nothing much going on here today.  In the morning, I helped my Mom make some "lontong", which is basically pressed rice in a spicy coconut milk/turmeric broth with vegetables and other stuff.  It's very tasty, and very filling.  I'm writing this letter later than usual.  I spent the evening cleaning out my house with the leaf blower, then I broke down some dead shrubs in my yard.  So I didn't start making dinner until after the sunset prayer.  I had fried calamari.  A LOT of fried calamari.  A stack about 6 inches high.  Heh!  The appetizer portions in a restaurant are too puny for me, plus I get to bypass the main course.  Wow, I'm stuffed.  Alhamdulillah.  You are welcome to some fried calamari, if you like.  I have a lot of encoding to do tonight, so I can't practice bass or guitar.  Maybe tomorrow.  I hope that you take care of yourself and are eating properly.  I love you and I need you.