Monday, September 17, 2018

Qur'an 20180918

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

120.  Never will the Jews nor the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion.  Say, "The Guidance of Allah- that is the Guidance."  Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you, then would you find neither protector nor helper against Allah.

(The Heifer 1:120)

Please make a donation in the name of Allah of a minimum of one US dollar to a worthwhile charity

Hi Natty honey!  How are you feeling today, my lady?  I am guessing that you are very busy.  Please make sure you learn how to relax, and take care of that precious heart of yours.  Please take the time to pray.  How is your tummy doing?  Are you having a nervous stomach again?  My tummy has been very sensitive lately, and it's not because of what I eat.  I have no money to buy exciting ingredients, so everything I cook lately has been bland and boring.  I think the wet weather recently is affecting my stomach.  There is a close relationship between the mind and the stomach, for instance too much stress can give you ulcers.  The solution to calming down your tummy Honey, is to eat simple.  Sliced bread and sliced turkey/chicken white meat.  No alcohol, of course.  Salads won't help your stomach calm down, salad dressing is even worse.  So please eat plain turkey/chicken sandwiches until you get the time to take it slow, and enjoy your food better.