Monday, September 21, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150922

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin.  How are you feeling right now?  I pray that you are feeling healthy and confident.  You are MY girl, and I want all the best for you.  I want you to know that you are not alone, you don't have to face them alone, because I am with you.  I may be in the shadows, but I am there, and always thinking of you.  You are the love of my life, and I need you.

Floofy is in heat right now.  Which is not a big deal, because there's always somebody in heat in my house.  She's not a howler like the other two.  She hasn't been eating much, because she throws it up.  She needs to be embraced, so I do that for her, and hopefully it's enough.  These cats like to plant their menses right where I can step on it.  Why is that?  Why can't they just use the cat box?  The favorite targets are my bedroom door, the toilet door, and the bathroom door, and one spot in the middle of the living room where I have to walk around the other spots in order to avoid them.  Does that make sense?  I'm vigilant with the mop, but I am at my most vulnerable when I just wake up for the dawn prayer.  I love my cats dearly, but I do have other things to do.  This evening I did some burning.  I need to get as much burning done before the next mango season because I need the dirt.  After this, I have to practice bass then do some encoding.  You take care now, Sweetie.