Sunday, April 14, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130415

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Ugh!  I suddenly got sick!  **long-winded low-frequency almost digital groan**  After all that activity last week, I suddenly got sick.  I did go to the doctor immediately, as my Mom told me to go.  He said it's just a normal flu.  This time the Flu Virus Collective attacked my voice first.  Usually the Collective starts with my nose.  I guess this time they wanted to show me that they don't mess around, and that they can get at me any way they want.  Even though I went to the doctor early, my voice was still wrecked, and I had to skip voice training today.  But I should be able to perform in a few days.  InshaAllah.  If Allah protects me, then not even the Flu Virus Collective can harm me.

And how are you doing today, my dearest?  I pray that you are healthy and confident.  Ya Allah, please protect my beloved Julia.