Saturday, April 18, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150419

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, Erin my dearest.  How are you feeling today?  I love you very much, so I want you to feel healthy and confident.  I'm sorry I couldn't do my voice training, so I hope your and your bosses weren't betting too much on today's activities.  My orders are to be consistent but inshaAllah God will forgive me this lapse, because I had to visit my aunt.  She has fallen seriously ill: she has lung cancer which spread to the rest of her body including her spine, which effectively paralyzed her from the waist down.  The odd thing is that not only does she not smoke, but she carried herself fine until the last 10 days when she hacked up blood.  They took an MRI and found the lumps.  My Dad is a chain smoker and older than her, but he doesn't have the same problem.  God certainly works in mysterious ways.

On the way there, we stopped for lunch.  At my table, there were 2 Bat Cat clones, and they were both female.  I had never met a female Bat Cat clone before!  One of them was sleeping, and the other was lying on the floor and waving her paw at me.  When I got home, Bat Cat didn't show up for dinner.  What's the connection?  What does it mean?  It means "Meow".  Ha!  I'm not telling.  I'm meowing.

I pray you are doing well, and staying healthy, and eating well, and getting enough rest.  I'm, doing OK, thank you.  Alhamdulillah.  I love you, and I need you.