Sunday, April 28, 2019

Big Mac

Hello there, my Lovely Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  I hope that life and the world are treating you nice and gently.  In Islam, the wife is to follow the instruction of the husband in matters of religion.  That way if she makes a mistake, then he is the one who shoulders the blame.  And if he make the mistake, then he gets the blame again.  We see a lot of religious zealots out there nowadays.  There are certainly "priests", "preachers", "learned ones" who profess to serve God but actually devour the substance of people, hoarding what they get, some of them even make money by conning people into becoming soldiers.  Allah knows what they do, and has prepared for them a grievous penalty.

Today I went to McDonald's for dinner, and I had a Big Mac.  Tastes like a Big Mac!  I like McDonald's food, it's easy on my tummy, but I know how to make sandwiches and burgers with bigger portions, and at a much lesser price.  Allah gave me some knowledge of cooking.  My Big Mac cost me 2.14 US dollars.