Thursday, December 1, 2016

Little girl

Is that you Erin, that little girl with her horsies, and pondering on the tree stump?  Looks like you.  I'll have to say that those exercises are very sexually arousing.  So do you refrigerate yourself to keep your skin smooth?  Wouldn't it be the same to just cover up and stay out of the sun?

Natty, I know precisely what's going on with you, and who am I to argue with the things you do for love?  There's plenty of time Sweetie, so take your time and straighten out your house.  As for me, I like you very much and I want to marry you.  But I don't have a dowry for you right now, and I have to marry Erin first.

Hey Piene!  Show me your beautiful face, OK!

It rained all morning and all day, so I couldn't go out to buy groceries.  So I had to make marinara sauce with what I had at home.  The basil and cilantro in my yard couldn't be harvested yet.  What I had in abundance was mint.  Marinara sauce with mint?

I didn't have time to take off my jacket before I crashed out when I went dancing,so I'm unable to show you my entire outfit.  Ive reached my data cap, anyway.