Sunday, January 29, 2017

Little fish

Hey Erin honey!  Are you having fun?  You got to have fun with your situation, so you won't worry so much.  There's not much going on here today for me, just the same old same old.  For brunch I had my Mom's "nasi lemak" (rice...), and for dinner I had hot dogs and fries.  Yeah it's normal food, but I had to fry up some crunchy anchovies for my snack mix.  So I thought since I would slow heat the oil and cook the hot dogs at the same time, then when the oil got hot I would cook the fries, then when the fries got done I would fry the anchovies.  Want some?

Oooh, I don't think you would like crunchy anchovies Natty.  How about you take a snapshot of your food for me, Sweetie?  I want to know what you've been eating. Croissants?  Souffle?
Escargot? Chocolate Mousse?

I know you're having fun, Pina.  I can see it in your face.  I'll bet you're hungry as usual.