Friday, September 6, 2019


Hi Erin and Natty!  How are you feeling today?  Yeah, there is a flood of emotion going all over the world over Mary Unknown7.  Girl singers are so troublesome.  So we swim, and avoid the deep waters.  I hope you are having a marvelous time, and everything turns out awesome for you.  I had a lot of work to do with the chainsaw today.  It's not like in the movies and video games, where you can find a chainsaw anywhere, pick it up and it's ready to go and cut up anything into nice little logs.  First I had to oil and fuel the thing.  Then to start it, I had to pump and prime the gasoline within its fuel line.  Then assuming the chain is properly in place, pull the choke then yank the starter cord a few times until it shows some life.  Once that happens, I turn off the choke and run it for a few seconds.  Now it's ready.  I suppose by that time, I would be overwhelmed by zombies huh?  My Mom had a small tree to remove, that only took a few minutes.  It's disposing the trash that takes a long time.  Maybe I could just chuck the trash into the ocean and forget about it?  No, we try to be an environmentally conscious family.  Right?  There was an undead stump growing on the roof of my grandfather's old house that had to go.  I had to do that on a ladder.  That was awkward.  More so because the chainsaw spit sawdust right into my face due to the angle I had to hold it, above my head.  Good thing I wore goggles.  I hate using a chainsaw on a ladder.  Then I went around the compound and cut as many unwanted saplings I could find.  Ugh, labor.  Does it make me a better person?  I don't feel like a better person.  Tomorrow I go around and collect all the trash that the chainsaw generated.  InshaAllah.

Dinner was liver again.  I have a lot of liver in the freezer right now, beef and chicken.  This time, I used a base of potato and onion.  I marinated the chopped liver in turmeric powder and salt.  Simplicity, Clarice.  The tortillas are fat today.  A very filling meal.  Alhamdulillah.