Friday, December 14, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121215

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh Julia!  How are you today, my princess?  You must be busy as always.  That's the trouble with work in mass media: one has to work 24/7 it seems.  Oh, the lack of privacy!  And I still haven't cleaned off the cobwebs off the windows since I moved into this house.  Hey I like spiders, and since I'm by myself, I might as well let them decorate the windows.  Oh, I'm so lazy!  That's the real reason.  Since I'm working all the time, then I might as well be lazy, because it doesn't matter what I do, I'm still working.  Maybe I'll take a nap.

Oh don't worry, Julia my love.  I'll chip in with some of the housework, and I'm capable of doing my own laundry.  I'm just waiting for you, my beloved.  Fame certainly is not a blessing, but perhaps Allah will grant us an easy life and happiness together in spite of it.  Meanwhile, you please maintain your prayers in sincerity.