Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131107

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my most precious beauties.  How are you feeling today?  I think I've been talking too much lately, so it's about time for another week of isolation.  Please dn't take it personally, or feel slighted, for it has nothing to do with you.  In fact, i love you, and I need you, and I wish you were here with me to share my isolation.  I occasionally take a week off to stay away from the Internet and the crowd as much as possible, so I won't be blogging as much as I usually do.  But like I said, I wish you were here with me, so I could just whisper in your ear instead of having to communicate in this public place.  I love you so very much.

For a basic understanding of the supernatural, you must accept that there not one but two dominant races on Earth: the human race (made of earth and water) and the jinn race (made of fire).  Both races are banished to Earth until Judgement Day.  Satan is a member of the jinn race, but not all jinns are evil, just like not all humans are evil.  There are good jinns just like there are good people, and there are jinns who worship Allah just like there are humans who worship Allah.  Allah is the Creator of both races, so it is a mistake to place the jinns on the same level as God.  Allah has Power over all, so if you feel fear towards the supernatural, then seek your refuge with Allah.  Allah comprehends all, and God's Grasp is over all vision.  It is the humans who create false worship.  But do not revile their gods lest they revile Allah out of spite.