Hi Grace! I saw that you uploaded the show on the concert stage at Bottlerock but when I tried to watch it, YouTube kept giving me the private set. Humph. I wanted to hear your amp.
The last batch of peanuts I roasted was so good, that I ran out quickly. For some reason, peanuts taste the best at 5 am, and right after Mary's set. So I roasted a fresh batch last night while watching Grace Bowers. YouTube created a Grace Bowers mix for me. The AI isn't very smart: I only wanted to look at Grace, but at least I could skip to the next video. The woman in the video above washed her peanuts! No! Peanuts absorb water just like beans, and will lose their snap. I get my peanuts already shelled and skinned. These peanuts have larger kernels, and are called "Shandong" peanuts. I toss the peanuts in palm oil and salt them. Then I roast them in an open wok over a very small fire: peanuts burn easily. So I have to constantly toss them like a cook in a Chinese restaurant tosses fried noodles. This batch took over 2 hours, but they came out perfect. Better than the last batch. See below! I was tempted to stick my hand in there for the sake of the photo, but no. Those peanuts were very hot. Want some peanuts? They're yummy!