Tuesday, July 10, 2018

So serious

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Say, it's July and it must be hot hot hot over there.  I'm sure you like the hot weather.  I'm not too fond of it myself, but we can't expect it to be spring and autumn all the time.  That would be heaven.  It is NOT hot here.  It rained all last night, plus all yesterday morning.  I sleep so soundly when it's cold like this, a little too comfortable I'm afraid.  So comfortable, that I wasn't able to do my morning chores because the morning was gone.  Have you noticed that extra sleep makes you sleepier?  That's what happened to me today.  As a result, I didn't really do too well for voice training.  So sleepy.  It's still gloomy right now so close to sunset.  I think it's raining all over Asia.  There is an aura in the air- it feels like people are plotting.

Hey Natty Honey!  Being serious is perfectly fine if you don't screw things up for yourself by doing things that are not serious.  If you're in Asia, I'm sure you know that I am well known in Asia, mashaAllah.  People will be super interested in you because I want to marry you.  So it would serve you best to hide behind our marriage inshaAllah as much as possible.  You may feel uncomfortable, but don't test your tummy.  Stick to familiar foods, and keep sober OK?  Keep your wits about you, take many snapshots and post them to show the world what is going on with you.  Don't worry, everything will be just fine inshaAllah.  I love you.