Friday, June 21, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130622

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia, my dearest!  Are you excited?  Are you?  Are you?  It's almost the fasting month!  Are you ready to rock?  Well, I'm getting ready to fast.  I do so love the fasting month, much more than the Eid.  The whole month is thoroughly enjoyable for me.  I must tell you about my Ramadan routine.  The spend most of the night preparing food and eating.  I don't eat much for breaking fast at sunset, because I would be going to the mosque.  So I prepare a big meal at about 3 or 4 am, eat well, then stay awake until the dawn prayer.  I wake up later than usual in the morning, try to get my internet work done as quickly as possible so I can take a nap before voice training at 2pm, I always voice train at 2pm.  But since I can't drink coffee, I need the nap so I don't lullaby myself into a coma.  I maintain my house chores and yard work routine, but I try to make sure I have a light meal ready for breaking fast at sunset.  Ramadan is also my most social time of the year, because every night I attend additional prayers at the mosque.  I don't really talk to anybody, I'm just there for the prayer, which usually ends at 10pm.  Yes, you're going to have to come along with me.  InshaAllah.