Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120418

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How are you today, my dearest beauty? Oh my Julia, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, you are all I could ever dream of in a girl. I long to be with you, and I long for a long and happy life, and afterlife together. I pray you are taking good care of yourself, and that you are maintaining your prayers. I wasn't scolding you last time, my dearest. You know I love you, perhaps I was simply longing too much for you. It is simply that since where I am and what I am doing here is the cutting edge of music insyaAllah, then anything and everywhere else is not. That would make anything and everywhere else the trend followers instead of the trend setters. Sure, I need money to marry you, because I want to give you the best life and love. But meanwhile, you will miss the most of the expansion of this phenomenon, and most importantly the point of expansion.

But Allah is the Master Creator, so all the credit goes to God. The music comes from God, and will return to God. It's nothing really new either, just like everything else out there is some sort of recycled hash. Here, it's just a bunch of ghosts and weather distortion. Just like the destruction of cities and communities is nothing new. And much of the shit that I recorded and composed in the past is just shit, which by they way, does NOT have my consent to be released posthumously (I mean ALL of it, people). It's like watching TV, and you would switch to a channel at some random moment that has a show that resonates with what is happening to your life at the moment, and the show is 20 years old. Perhaps what is fascinating is what people perceive as random. Louise Brooks once preached that, "Everything happens by chance, and it is the people who think they have everything under control that get into the most trouble." She was right about control, but I don't think that chance exists. Putting aside theology for a moment, may Allah forgive me, I don't believe that "random" exists. This comes from working with computers all my life. What is "random" is actually a program, or a mathematical equation. After all, the machine needs to be told what to do, so what is "random" has to be programmed. In real life, an occurence that is "random" is the end of a sequence of events which could have originated from a point far away or at the same place at some different time which carries some sort of emotional meaning to the observer. If there is no observer, or if the observer doesn't care, then the event is meaningless. Increase of entropy becomes negligible with the vast expansion of space to the point where only space is able to be observed and not its entropy. Then consider the doors to more space where entropy can be sucked away, like black holes. And the Big Bang could be a white hole, or the explosion of a black hole, for what black hole can hold infinite mass? The white hole being an event among many similar events which create order out of chaos. So the universe is actually a multiverse, with various loops of sequence of events, for anyone who cares enough to notice. And chaos itself eventually reverts to order. The broken cup pieces itself together again and jumps back onto the table in the next life. But humans want to think of a universe with a beginning and end because humans are born and die. Allah is Eternal.

So we go back to theology, of course there is absolutely a Judgement Day. Humans die, and that is a Judgement Day. The extinction of the human race is a Judgement Day. The observer of theology is the human being. Of course humans will be raised again to life after death. Just as they were born in the first place, or wouldn't have been born if the sperm had swum elsewhere. Flesh and bones are put together in a sequence of events, and taken apart in another sequence of events. And the emotional meanings, and the actions thereof, of the humans is what is judged on THE Judgement Day.

I love you, Julia.

Qur'an 20120418

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

45. Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to you, and establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds. And rememberance of Allah is the greatest, without doubt. And Allah knows what you do.

46. And dispute you not with the people of the Book except with means better, unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong. But say, "We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you: our God and your God is One, and it is to God we bow".

47. And thus, that We have sent down the Book to you. So the people of the Book believe therein, as also do some of these, and none but unbelievers reject Our Signs.

The Spider 29:45-47

We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you: our God and your God is One, and it is to God we bow.