Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Coconut as staple food?

Hi Honey!  What's for lunch?  I had coconut cream of chicken soup for lunch today.  Yeah, my Mom really loves baby coconut juice as you may know, so yesterday I harvested one of the trees over at your house inshaAllah.  Harvesting coconuts is usually tough work- do you know how much each coconut weighs?  I definitely don't want them falling on my head.  But yesterday, my saw on a stick cut through the stem like a hot knife through butter, and the whole bunch fell straight down at once: 17 coconuts.  Now young coconuts have mostly juice and the older ones we harvest the meat, and these coconuts turned out to be mostly meat.  The meat is too soft to scrape, so I put the meat in the blender with some water, and produced coconut paste/puree.  My Mom gets excited about coconuts, but not necessarily in a positive way.  She only likes coconut juice and coconut milk (which is the meat strained into milk), and she doesn't want to accept my coconut blend as a thick coconut milk anymore.  But it took 7 coconuts to produce one jug of juice for her, and the rest is all meat!  What do I do with it?  I made coconut cream of chicken soup.  I had some chicken bones, so I put that into the coconut blend which was simmering with chopped garlic, butter, and finely diced potato.  I fished the bones out after a while, and picked off the meat to put back into the soup.  I ate the soup with chives and pepper.  It tasted exactly like cream of chicken soup but with the texture of rice porridge, except that the grains had the crunch similar to fresh carrots.  Oh, I should have taken a snapshot, but I was too busy eating it!  It really did look and taste good.  Very filling.

Natty, only the French would wear a dress like that.  Why didn't they give you a bra to wear with that type of dress?  It wouldn't be too out of place I think, especially if the bra was high quality.  It's undoubtedly pretty, but where would you wear a dress like that?  Oh yeah, in France.  But even French women are too modest to wear dresses like that in public without a bra.  Maybe a nude beach?  But you're not naked!  Without a bra, that dress is haute couture.

Qur'an 20170928

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

12.  Truly do you marvel, while they ridicule.

13.  And when they are admonished, pay no heed,

14.  And when they see a Sign, turn it into mockery,

15.  And say, "This is nothing but evident sorcery!"

16.  "What?  When we die, and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up?"

17.  "And also our fathers of old?"

18.  Say, "Yes, and you shall then be humiliated."

19.  Then it will be a single cry, and behold, they will begin to to see!

20.  They will say, "Ah! Woe is us!  This is the Day of Judgment!"

21.  This is the Day of Sorting Out, whose Truth you denied!

Those ranged in ranks 37:12-21