Sunday, February 26, 2017

The chicken and the hawk

Oh yeah Erin, I do remember that dream I had, was it last summer of the summer before?  When you were about to go do a photo shoot in the massive heat wave, and I warned you not to.  I had a dream that ravens were picking at your body in the hot sun.

But last night's dream was about you, Natty.  Birds in a dream is either good or bad news, it depends on what they're doing.  You were sitting on the floor in a lotus position and pondering at the floor, in a massive elegant ball room, where the floor was made of black and white tiles like a chessboard.  There was a chicken and hawk accompanying you, but I didn't see them.  We raise chickens for food, so chickens are good of course, but it does take some time for them to generate food.  Plus they're chicken you know, easily scared!  The hawk is a sharp-eyed predator of course.  Things will be troublesome for you at first, but you will get over it.  But beware of a swindler who will take your money away from you if you're not careful.  Remember the old adage, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."