Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121121

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there Julia, my beloved young wife.  InsyaAllah.  How are you feeling today?  I hope you are pacing yourself, and trying to slow down.  Yesterday, I took Bat Cat to the vet for a deworming shot, then I had lunch with my parents.  For dinner, I slow grilled a fish.  It was a torpedo scad, which is perfect for grilling because of the thick skin.  It wasn't one of those monster sized fish, but this one weighed in at about .6 kilo, so I am quite full right now.  I sauteed the liver and roe in the butter I used for basting and dipping.  Oh yeah.  I like fish roe that is undeveloped, where the eggs cannot be separated, a creamy texture if you will.  Tasted creamy, too.

I have to admit that I am wary of our business being so dominant in our marriage, but it's too late now.  And throughout history, marriage and business has always been as one.  How could they have found time for love?  But they did, and I do love you, my Julia.  How could I not, you are so beautiful.  I don't have a vision how Victoria's Secret be involved in our wedding.  Obviously, people can't be half-naked.  It will be an Islamic marriage after all.  Therein the complexity and depth of our marriage: Europe + USA + Islam + Asia, set in the Malaysian countryside.  Would it be a "normal" marriage?  Perhaps not, but insyaAllah we should have the power to make everyone else conform to our schedule.  So please learn how to slow down.

I question the wisdom of pushing a fashion show out of the context of displaying clothes as merchandise available for sale.  After all, that's how the show became popular in the beginning, right?  Today, the lingerie seems haute couture, which is great if you're rich and eccentric.  Trying to better ourselves every time is commendable, but human creativity is limited, in spite of what our egos say.  It is inevitable that the quality and attractiveness of the show will flatline, and that's when corruption and ugliness take over.  It's like a large country with a large population getting bigger and bigger, where the rich get richer while the poor become more numerous, will eventually resort to aggression to satisfy its needs.  A show, in order not to become boring, will eventually resort to sacrificing its dignity and humanity.  Once we run out of the world's most beautiful women, what's left is a skankfest.  And nothing destroys beauty faster than corruption.