Tuesday, June 25, 2019

TV addict

Hello again, my precious Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  I hope you are nice and calm, and taking things easy, and things are coming easily for you.  I'm doing OK, alhamdulillah.  I've been watching a lot of TV.  I'm officially a YouTube junkie now.  Lately, I've been watching a lot of videos about the homeless.  Ew.  I don't want to live in America.  Too many homeless people.  I don't want to live in a third world country.  At least Mumbai has slums.  The reports I've been watching state that the number of homeless people has increased in the last 2 years.  What's the solution?  Obviously, someone has to pay for their housing.  Or let them build their own housing.  Then provide utilities.  That guy on Fox news said that the law should be enforced on them.  After all, being homeless is illegal.  Now there's an idea.  Have the prison system provide accommodations for them.  Or maybe that Fox news guy has a buddy who will set them up with a place to live in a luxury hotel, office building, or mansion.

I had a dream last night about a science fiction B movie starring Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow.  It was about an invasion by amoeba-like aliens the size of cats that could multiply quickly and indefinitely.  The hero discovered that he could kill the aliens by urinating on them.  After a lot of messy fighting, the humans found out that they could have just eaten the aliens instead of urinating on them.  I guess someone is going to go ahead and steal that plot.  After all, I'm too lazy to produce a movie.  But they're going to miss out on a lot of important details in the movie that I didn't mention.  😀