Hi Natty! How are you feeling? Still having back pain? Yeah, labor is a bitch. I'm quite experienced at massaging back pain mashaAllah but since I'm not there with you, I made some hummus for my beloved Natty. Steamed hummus. I normally pan fry the hummus in a circle mold but today I steamed the hummus in banana leaves, you can see above what it looked like before I put it in the steamer. Yeah the bottom one is a bit sloppy, I'll admit. It's just my standard hummus recipe: lentils, garlic, lemon juice and salt. Yeah I know chick peas and wheat germ, but lentils tastes and behaves the same at 25% cost. The banana leaves impart a slight green flavor, but not a dominant one. It's just the most common means of steaming things around here. As you know I only have a toaster oven, so I fried the bread. The meal tasted like hummus with bread, with a sweet aftertaste. Hummus isn't a big deal for me but I still needed my daily dose of animal flesh, so I had my hummus with steak (not shown).