Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Qur'an 20210915

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

68.  Say, "O people of the Book!  You have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has to you from your Lord."  It is the revelation that has come to you from your Lord that increases in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy.  But sorrow you not over people without faith.

(The Repast 5:68)

Hummus for my Natty


Hi Natty!  How are you feeling?  Still having back pain?  Yeah, labor is a bitch.  I'm quite experienced at massaging back pain mashaAllah but since I'm not there with you, I made some hummus for my beloved Natty.  Steamed hummus.  I normally pan fry the hummus in a circle mold but today I steamed the hummus in banana leaves, you can see above what it looked like before I put it in the steamer.  Yeah the bottom one is a bit sloppy, I'll admit.  It's just my standard hummus recipe: lentils, garlic, lemon juice and salt.  Yeah I know chick peas and wheat germ, but lentils tastes and behaves the same at 25% cost.  The banana leaves impart a slight green flavor, but not a dominant one.  It's just the most common means of steaming things around here.  As you know I only have a toaster oven, so I fried the bread.  The meal tasted like hummus with bread, with a sweet aftertaste.  Hummus isn't a big deal for me but I still needed my daily dose of animal flesh, so I had my hummus with steak (not shown).