Friday, November 20, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151121

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you, my darling?  Are you keeping warm?  You are my Queen, and I love you.  Please take sweet loving care of yourself, because I need you.  Today is Friday (when I write this letter, that is.)  So I had to attend the Friday prayer.  The local mosque is still remodeling, so I had to drive to the mosque 3 miles away.  Right now, I'm feeling a bit sore.  The weather today was finally somewhat pleasant, neither hot nor cold.  So I finally got around to cutting the grass in the evening.  I covered a lot of ground today: my parents' yard, my yard and your yard inshaAllah.  Then my Dad did a lot of pruning in his yard, so I had to clean that up.  I don't know why I managed all that work, but it sure got my blood pumping.  What are those hormones that the body generates when we work out?  Endorphin?  Are they supposed to make you feel good?  I don't know about that.  Whenever I get physical like I did today, I feel aggressive.  Not anger, but not pleasure.  Aggressive.  But I got a lot of work done, and the yard looks great.