Monday, December 28, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151229

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**yawn**  Please close your mouth with your hand when you yawn.  I almost put myself to sleep during voice training today.  It happens, part of the job.  I had to take quick naps in the middle of my set more than once before.  Make sure you nap too, OK?  Don't give up your dreams, Dreamer Girl.  I love you and I need you.

I was busy all day today.  I had to pick some eye drops at the hospital for my Dad, and some eye drops for me at the pharmacy.  Then I drove around on my Dad's motorcycle to look for parts for my motorcycle.  It's running OK now, alhamdulillah.  I had lunch over at Omar's stall, across from the courthouse complex.  My usual, which is rice vermicelli in soup.  Omar is very serious about his soup.  I asked him if his wife happened to cook the soup today, and I got scowled at.

I was cooking up a steak for dinner, when my Dad gave me something else for dinner.  There's this restaurant down the road on the way to the golf course that sells flat noodles fried like pancakes, then you pour this really thick soup on top of it.  Very delicious, and very well done.  I enjoyed that while watching "Airplane 2" dubbed in Russian.  That reminds me, I have to do some encoding tonight.  Part of the work of running the best TV station in the world mashaAllah.

Qur'an 20151229

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

1.  Say, "O you who reject faith!"

2.  I worship not that which you worship.

3.  Nor will you worship that which I worship.

4.  And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship.

5.  Nor will you worship that which I worship.

6.  To you be your way and to me mine.

Those who reject faith 109:1-6