Friday, October 17, 2014

Letter to Julia 20141017

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my dearest wives, Julia and Erin.  How was your week?  How are you feeling?  I pray that you are both feeling great, healthy and confident.  I couldn't be as isolated as I wanted, because there was always something to do, plus I had to go shopping.  I have a lot of beef in my cooler, but one can't just eat steak all the time.  The grass cutter was out, so I changed the spark plug.  I couldn't cut grass all that while, so I did some burning instead at Casa de Julia inshaAllah.  There were more felled trees there than I anticipated, plus I have to chop down more.  This morning I made a batch of dough, and it looks like beef and potato curry is coming up soon.  I made some Korean style pickled beef and it's marinading in the cooler.  It takes 2 weeks to be ready.  I try to stay within budget, but there's always some some of need or mundane crisis.  The flea shampoo I bought is bunk and my kittens were getting overwhelmed with fleas, so I had to buy the drop type of medication.  I'm out of eggs and onions but I can't spend again until next Tuesday, so I'm going to have to make my noodles with something else.

Death, blood and misery may be great and more entertaining for the crowd, but I find the mundane to be much more romantic.  I wish you were here with me to share my isolation.  I want the wealth to give you a good married life and buy musical instruments, but I'm trying to live a spiritual life, and that can't be done by being wholly materialistic.  I have to trust in Allah to supply me the material things I need while I work my spiritual agenda of pleasing Allah with music.  InshaAllah, I will also be given protection and happiness.  We as a family must keep our hearts free from the corruption of materialism, because it's so important to show that it can be done.  Islam doesn't forbid being wealthy, but wealth must handled with righteousness.  Like in the movie "Wall Street" was said, "Money makes you do things you don't want to do."  This may sound like an excuse to you, but it's not.  It's a different reality.

I have faith that Allah will help us and improve our condition.  Do you?  I want to give you the best and happiest married life, because I love you, I love you.  And I need you, I need you.  Please join me in Islam.