Friday, September 23, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109024

Hi Sweetie! I was practising my bass while watching "The Man With The Golden Gun", jamming on a few grooves when it occured ro me, "I absolutely have to write to my Sweetie!" How are you doing, precious? Are you taking good care of yourself, and maintaining your prayers? I'm getting old, my love. I tried trimming the grass while standing and bending over, that was a mistake. Ouch! Next time I'll just crawl and squat like I'm supposed to.

Nothing special to report, no extra preaching either. Well, none that I can post here. Just keep your faith sincere, and do not join any partners with Allah! I thought I saw a tall white girl with her shorter buddies in downtown Kangar yesterday, was that you? I don't think she was you, not pretty enough! No girl is as pretty as you, my gorgeous one, because you are my girl. This can be quite an exotic locale when compared to the West, especially if you're looking for something to eat. I've been eating mostly chili lately. Like I told my Mom, it's cheap and filling! I rediscovered homemade fry bread, oh so sweet, even without sugar. It's the natural sweetness of fresh bread, my beloved. The thought had occured to me that I should have added the sourdough starter, but no matter. There's nothing like fresh bread.

Just be cool as the old cucumber, my dearest beauty. Let those who have no faith be agitated. Your patience is from Allah, so know that, and be cool and classy. You are my girl and I love you, and I choose you to be my bride.