Saturday, January 13, 2018

I'm sorry

Erin I'm sorry that I am not there with you right now, holding you and comforting you, just being there with you.  I know I have been promising you a house for 5 years already, but I still don't have the money and it's so frustrating and heartbreaking to me, and it's all my fault.  I love you sincerely, but without something concrete to give you, it makes everything all seem worthless, no matter how "magical" it be, it all feels so worthless to me.  But I have to have faith.  Please forgive me for my faults.

And you too Natty, you're so young and so beautiful, with so much promise ahead of you, I'm so sorry that you have only begun to wait.  It's an awful feeling, the waiting, I know because I have been waiting all my life.  But I love you and I will take care of you inshaAllah, and I ask you to please trust me and be patient with me.  Please forgive me for my faults.