Thursday, February 8, 2024


Hi Natty!  I'm right here, just look over your shoulder!  Please don't feel blue, because you're my girl and I love you.  It's probably just melancholy from being on top of the mountain, but you can still enjoy yourself.  So don't you worry about a thing, everything will work out fabulously for us inshaAllah.  Keep safe and healthy.  Try to have fun, Honey!  You're a girl!

Check out what's going on TikTok, Natty.  So many people so very hungry for fame and fortune that they slurp at virtual ice cream.  TikTok fame is the opposite of grace and finesse.  Have you noticed the large number of pranks pulled on the innocent and unsuspecting?  All for fame, and perhaps a few coins that dissipate in a flash.  I'm thinking of featuring Mary Unknown7 on TikTok someday inshaAllah.  What do you think?  Not to make any income mind you, plus I'm sure they'll lie to me about my stats anyway like Google and Twitch do.  It's just another channel.  My approach to TikTok will probably annoy many people just like many people's approach to TikTok annoys many people.  So from that perspective, Shadowplay should be right at home on TikTok.  I need to upgrade my equipment first.  And Internet.  Cell phone Internet is so unreliable.