Sunday, November 15, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151116

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Don't you get the feeling that some wealthy pervert just threw a tantrum?  Oh hi, Erin!  How are you?  How's business?  Please make sure you get sufficient rest and eat properly, OK?  Always know that I love you, and I need you.  Right now, I'm watching TV while I write this letter.  Mysteryquest: The Zodiac Killer.  I'm not good at decoding ciphers.  I take a different approach to analyzing crimes.  Anyway, there's not much going on here today.  I had a filling dinner, noodles with chicken in spicy soy sauce.  I have lots left over if you want some, otherwise I'll just have it for breakfast or lunch tomorrow.  After this, I have to make a batch of dough then I have to play guitar for a while.  You take care, my beloved.