Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120712

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

I got a new kitten, Julia!  Aw, he's such a cutie.  Last week, I think about Thursday, I was awoken early at 7:30 am by a loud, high-pitched squealing and crying amidst the noise of the daily traffic on the road to the elementary school.  Even though I was half asleep, I immediately realized that a kitten was playing chicken with the cars and motorcycles during school rush hour.  So I got out there as quickly as I could, to see some guy on a motorcycle screaming at a tiny black and white kitten by the side of the road, who was crying his little heart out.  So I waved at the little thing to catch his attention, and he followed me, and he kept on following me around for the next half hour, until I shacked him up at my grandfather's old house.

He managed to get out while I was voice training, and started squeaking at my window.  Which eventually caught the attention of my Dad, and he decided to adopt the little guy.  But my Dad got bored with him a few days later, so now the kitten is mine!  He's a black and white kitten, with huge ears and small eyes, and looks kinda like a bat, so I named him Bat Cat.  Chee Cheah isn't pleased of course that Batty is around, so I keep Batty in the cage where I keep my motorcycle, so the house belongs to Choo Choo.  I took him to the vet a couple of days ago, and the vet said that he was a fine cat.  Batty is such a polite little kitten.  Whenever I let him into the house, he plays around a little, then asks to be put back in his cage.

Such a tiny little baby.