Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Netherlands

Hi Natty!  It's always wonderful to see you, and even more so to see you enjoying yourself.  You look so tall compared to your kin.  I wonder how tall you are next to me...  I am well known in that country.  Well, notorious more likely.  I once tried for a Dutch wife, but it didn't work out.  Nothing against Dutch people, it was just a bad choice on my part.  Plus, she was engaged which stifled anything I could do to help her.  A lot of drama too, I am sure you could bear witness to that.  Mostly because the poor girl didn't find fortune easily in NYC.  I'm so grateful to Allah that town has been nicer to you.  Anyway, if I'm famous there, then so are you.  Have tons of fun OK?  I love you.

I went to the supermarket today and bought a chicken.  I also bought a Snickers bar.  Yes ma'am, that is a Snickers bar.