Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140722

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Happy 5th anniversary, my dearest Julia.  You are my love, and here I am to reaffirm that I want to marry you.  I am in anguish, as I still don't have at least a ring for you yet, but I have my faith, that Allah will provide me the means soon, to give you a ring, a house, and a happy and secure married life.  Because I love you, and I need you.

So please allow me to repeat the plan.  Of top priority is to have the land that the little house I live in now, and the adjacent land that my grandfather's old house stands be transferred to my name and legal possession.  Anything else puts us and the music in danger of eviction, no matter how good the intentions are.  When that happens inshaAllah, I will announce the good news to you, then prepare this little house for you to live in.  Then I will send someone to get you, and we shall marry, and live in this little house while we supervise the building of your Casa de Julia.  When your house is finished, then I will marry Erin.  Then we will spend the rest of our lives together inshaAllah, in your house.

It sounds like a simple miracle.  That's why we must pray, be patient, and keep our faith and trust in Allah.  Our marriage is sacred, make no mistake.