Friday, October 27, 2017


Today was Friday, and as usual I had to go attend the Friday prayer.  But before that, I joined the thousands of other people who gathered at the Islamic school a couple of hundred yards down the street in paying final respects to and praying for a deceased teacher.  Yes there were a lot of people, but he was no celebrity.  He was just a 78 year old man who gave lectures over at the local mosque, and a well-respected religious teacher.  I usually attended the lectures he gave every Monday, and listened to him talk.  He seemed to know without my telling of how dangerous my work is, and would pray for me an a few occasions.  He seemed rather alert and energetic for a 78 year old man.  Probably too much so.  His body was laid to rest on the school grounds, beside the graves of other beloved teachers.  From Allah is our origin, and to Allah is our return.