Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Creativity with hummus

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling today, my beautiful Erin?  Staying warm?  It's definitely warm over here, and my a/c isn't working properly.  It cuts out when it gets too hot.  Sigh.  Have you ever eaten a a Greek restaurant, and had those stuffed grape leaves?  Do you know what I'm talking about?  Well, I thought I would experiment with hummus for lunch today.  The kale grows well in my garden, so I thought it would be great to stuff kale leaves with hummus and ground beef.  The result wasn't very photogenic, so I didn't take any snapshots of my lunch.  I think the mistake I made was to precook the hummus to dry it up, but that made it fall out of the rolls, and made the rolls unravel.  The flavor was a success, and a couple of the rolls turned out well.  I think I know what to do the next time to get a better result.

Hey Thrasher!  Have you been practicing your patience?  Mastering this skill will make you feel better more than ever before, I promise.  And remember that true patience is from God.  I'm sure your lockout ended soon after you posted about it.  No, it's no coincidence.  Not even the emotional swings are coincidence.  It's more like a Rube Goldberg machine.  One thing I have to tell you Nat, is that you look great as a pouty girl.  Very sexy.