Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The cat that can open doors

As you know, Floofy darling is one of those cats that can open doors.  She jumps up and hangs on to the door handle until it turns, and uses her momentum to shove the door open.  But if she's trapped inside, then she can't push the door open.  So I trapped her inside the cat box room while I gutted the 2 kilos of mackerel I bought at the market.  Yeah, I went to the market early this morning right after the dawn prayer in hopes of finding cheap fish and I was blessed to find mackerel going for RM3.50 a kilo.  I also bought some tofu and won ton skins.  Time for stuffed won tons!  But first I had to gut and portion all that fish.  Most of it is for Floofy darling since she can't eat solid cat food anymore, but I planned on keeping the fish with loose stomachs for lunch.  As you know, mackerel with loose stomachs are ideal for sushi/sashimi, and by the time I had finished filleting I had about a third kilo of sashimi for lunch.  But meanwhile I was gutting the fish, and Floofy darling walked up casually to me with a meow that translated to "Can I have a snack now?"  She had figured out how to hang onto the door handle and pull the door open.  So I put her back into the cat box room, and braced the handle with a handy stick of bamboo so the handle couldn't turn.  What about that, huh?  The cat that can open doors.  Want some sashimi, Erin?  I wish I had some wasabi, but I enjoyed the fish with soy sauce and onions.  A third of a kilo is a LOT of raw fish.

Hey Natty honey, are you feeling better?  I forgot to add how beautiful your clothes are, and how awesome looking the set is.  Very artsy!  Well be patient in the waiting around, inshaAllah it won't be too long.  Please make sure you have fun but stay safe, OK?

Hi Pina!  I guess it might be necessary that you have an escort to go to Cuba, but I don't think the country is as bad as it was in the 1950's.  The current government did kick the Mafia out of the country already, you know.  I don't picture the place as being very glitzy, just hot and sweaty.  But you're a cool cat.  And you like the hot weather, don't you?

Qur'an 20170809

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

28.  They say, "When will this Decision be, if you are telling the truth?"

29.  Say, "On the Day of Decision, no profit will it be to unbelievers if they believe!  Nor will they be granted a respite."

The Prostration 32:28-29