Natty, you're so beautiful! Those arm warmers are the same as long gloves, so with that dress you look kind of formal. I think you would look awesome in formal wear. Oh yeah, shoes... Whatever. I love you with all my heart, Natty. Keep safe and healthy OK!
I wanted to make ranch dressing this morning, but the price of onions suddenly spiked. What was there was crappy. I think it's because of excessive moisture. I didn't want to pay for that, good thing I had a few onions left over at home. The ranch came out a bit thick. Hooray! Yummy!
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
135. They say, "Become Jews or Christians if you would be guided." Say, "No! The religion of Abraham the True: and he joined not gods with Allah."
The Heifer 2:135