Thursday, December 3, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151204

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Are you having fun yet?  Otherwise, it must be a heavy burden to be so beautiful and have so much political influence.  Please stay blonde, OK?  I prefer blondes.  You're my girl!  I love you, and I need you.

I hate politics.  Gag!  I remember when I cast my vote in the last General Elections here in Malaysia.  My vote wasn't secret.  Right after I cast my vote, thugs from the opposing party were following me around.  The best I could do was to keep my vote to myself until I cast it.  Fame is not a blessing.  I give my fame to Allah.  Let the people pay attention to and idolize Allah.  I was watching "784 Days of Watergate" hosted by Nancy Dickerson and "Watergate: Secrets of the Dead" by Dick Cavett on Shadowplay TV last night.  Nixon got re-elected by a landslide.  I was thinking, if the people chose a crook before, then they'll choose a crook again.