Saturday, October 31, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151101

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, sweet Erin.  How's it going today?  Don't be blue, because I love you and I want to marry you.  I need you.  I'll have to admit that I miss that little puppy.  I can't get the picture of him out of my head when I left him in the jungle, as I sped away on my motorcycle and saw him in my rear view mirror, running as fast as he can to catch me.  **sob**  But he would have a better chance of survival where there are no humans.  No, I didn't want a dog, nor do I want a dog.  I just wanted to show the animal some kindness.  Besides, I have all my kitties to cry over.  We're all going to pass away someday.  From Allah is our origin, and to Allah is our return.

Otherwise, there's nothing out of the ordinary happening today.  I paid my bills this morning, and bought some flour and butter.  Nothing special on the menu, either.  I don't want to tell you what I had for dinner, you wouldn't approve.  It was tasty, though.  Let's just say that my cats like my cooking.  I have some encoding to do tonight, but otherwise I'm still a bit bummed out, so I just want to relax and watch TV.