Sunday, November 22, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151123

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin.  How are you feeling, Sweetheart?  Please don't be blue, because I love you.  I long for you and the time when are married.  I need you, my precious heart.  So please cheer up, pray and be optimistic, OK?  Just now, I was all dressed up and showered and everything, the doors were locked, and my motorcycle was running, and I was about to visit my Mom at the hospital.  She's having knee surgery.  Again.  Then the sky turned black, the clouds flew by faster than jets, and it began to rain.  We are all subject to God's Plan.  So please remember that, OK?  Things happen in their own time.  You ought to know, you've said that yourself.

So I started my dinner instead.  It's beef and potatoes and kelisa (you know, the legume that grows on my fence) with salt and pepper, to be eaten with a side of ketchup.  It's actually very good, you should try some.  I made a very big helping, which includes your portion of course, but I am hungry and I do have a big appetite.  Hungry for you!