Sunday, October 13, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131014

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beloved beautiful young soulmates.  How are you both feeling today?  How are those emotions?  I love you with all my heart.  I want to marry you, and take good, wonderful care of you, inshaAllah.  Julia first, so you both please be patient and pray.  And while I am unable as yet to take good care of you, please take good care of yourselves.  Please eat properly of the good and delicious things that God has provided for you, so that you stay fit and healthy, inshaAllah.

I'm fasting today.  Why?  Because it's fun!  Wheeeeee!!  Tomorrow is the Eid.  I'm sure Julia knows what's going on, but for Erin's benefit, if she doesn't already know, there are 2 major days of celebration in Islam.  The first is the Eid al-Fitr, the celebration of the completion of the 30 days of Ramadan and fasting, and Eid al-Adha, the celebration of the completion of the Hajj pilgrimage ritual.  It's sort of like having like 2 Christmases.  Tomorrow is Eid al-Adha.  I don't really celebrate holidays, probably because I have to work everyday.  What I wish for is for you to be here with me.  Then everyday will truly be a celebration for me, inshaAllah.

I'm re-programming Shadowplay TV right now.  I'm adding a whole bunch of hair and makeup tutorials, and episodes of "This Old House".  InshaAllah in the future, there will be hired help to do house cleaning and gardening, and I will have plenty of time for my new hobby: hair and makeup!  My dream is to keep you both looking glamorous, elegant, and distinguished, and keep a photo journal of how gracefully you age, from marriage to the day I die, inshaAllah.  OK!  So, who's my first volunteer?