Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151224

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi, pretty girl!  Hello, beautiful woman!  How's business today?  I hope you are wearing beautiful suits.  I may have told you, that I love beautiful ladies suits.  Since I can't wear them, I want to see you wear them.  You won't have to take it off.  Yum!  Please make sure you take good care of your health, and please maintain your prayers.  I love you and I need you.

I spent the evening chopping down the trees growing on the roof of the old house that's on the area of your house inshaAllah.  It's taking me so long to get them all down because there's always something else to do, plus I didn't have a tall enough ladder.  But today I do, so I managed to hack down a few more branches.  The tree was covered with red army ants, which have a nasty painful bite.  At one point, they were on my left hand.  But my hand was covered in resin, so the bites were floating on the resin.  It was like magic, an invisible force field.  The ants were chomping on my hand, but not penetrating the invisible armor.

Anyway, I need to remove the debris and adjust the ladder, so I'll have to continue tomorrow inshaAllah.  My Mom treated me to dinner, so I went out for fried noodles.  Thanks, Mom!  The guy was open today, thank God.  I bought myself a big old man-sized take out.  Would you like some?