Sunday, April 14, 2019

Just another average day

Hi there, precious Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  How's business?  Now don't be afraid to express yourself OK?  Nobody's interested in those other girls- they want to know all about MY girl!  Let them know this- I love my girl!  She's MINE.

Oh, it's another average day for me.  I woke up rather early, so I watched some TV.  I've been studying all about Disney theme parks lately.  No I do NOT approve of building a theme park here, not even a world class one.  The people here should just do the best they can with resources that are already available.  NO LOANS.  It's Sunday, and I clean my mother's bedroom and toilet every Sunday.  I'm always too worn out to cook lunch, so I usually buy lunch on Sundays.  I always need to nap before voice training because I can easily sing myself to sleep, and I need to be singing not sleeping.  Which is another reason why I avoid active mornings.  Please schedule your activity until after I finish singing, OK?  I did manage to do some yard work.  Dinner wasn't anything unusual, especially now I'm dieting.  Just the glutenous rice, salt fish and fresh tomatoes routine.