Thursday, September 22, 2016

Oh Erin, your hair!

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoooo....uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuuuu...*sob*  Waaaaahhhhhhh!!!!  **sniffle**  You're beautiful Erin, and I love you with all my heart.

Brad and Angelina....  I read that Angelina complained that Brad was "physical" with the children, and was "verbally abusive".  Angelina filed for divorce on the grounds of "irreconcilable differences".  Beautiful couple, but I didn't think it would last .  As for kids, I believe that I'm going to die first.  I need to make absolutely sure that our kids do not abandon their mother.  I believe that only the fear of God will make the kids go the extra effort to ensure that their mother is close distance to them and well taken care of in her old age.  I intend to be very strict with them in this particular aspect of Islam.  Be ready to accept it.

Hey Nat!  Wassap, beautiful girl?  Wassap, wassap, WASSAP!  You look like a fairy tale princess with that white picket fence in the background.  I'm going to grab that tongue of yours and pull it.

Erin, what's up with that torn T-shirt?

Oh, it's your punk rock look.  I love it!  Love the blue tips!  Please don't lose your blonde hair.  You are beautiful my love, and I love you with all my heart.

Hi beautiful Nat!  Where's that special shoot you promised us?

Piene, you lady.