Sunday, December 8, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131209

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, my dearest Julia and Erin.  Wow, it's getting more and more tedious to blog this letter.  Too much fame is the problem.  Please be patient and pray, and inshaAllah our situation will be resolved with ease.  You must have some nasty bitches trying to put a cap on how high and how quickly you are rising.  Well, you are MY girls, and I love YOU, so in my eyes you are way better than them.

I attended a wedding yesterday, just up the street next to the elementary school.  I went early to join the village men in saying a prayer.  Then I ate, which was rice with chicken, fish, salted fish and eggplant.  I didn't stay long because I didn't want to hang around.  They had an India-style drum troupe for entertainment with a snake charmer flute going.  I had to voice train over that, but my singing should have matched well with them in a ghostly sort of way.  I have to admit I was a little bummed out, because I want to be married to you.  So please be patient with me and have faith in Allah, and pray with me that Allah will grant me the wealth I need to give you a happy and secure married life soon.

I love you, and I need you.