Monday, May 15, 2017

Sorry, folks

But my Mom told me to turn down.  That's OK because I love my Mom.  Plus I'm trying to master the Qur'an, so I have to obey her in this serious matter.  I hope this doesn't inconvenience you all, because to me it's the same either way: I have no privacy.  In Islam, the husband supersedes the wife, while the mother supersedes the father.  This is a balance set by Allah, so the children take care of the parents when they get old.  Of course not everyone follows the rules, that's why in the real world some children murder their parents and vice versa.  This issue is addressed by Allah in the Qur'an, which will be taken care of on Judgement Day.  In the meanwhile, I intend to make sure that our children look after their mother when she gets old, because most likely I will be the first to go.

Again, I will not endorse any politician that does not support and help the music.  With Allah as my Witness, this music that Allah gave me guardianship of gives a global dominance in mass media to the local community as well as Islam.  Therefore with Allah as my Witness, anybody who tries silence and suppress this music that Allah gave me guardianship of is an enemy of Allah.  Except my Mom.