Monday, July 18, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110719

Have you ever wondered why you work so hard yet are unable to make gains despite your efforts? What has occured is a result of basic politics: your work did not influence the people who have power to give you the gains that you desire. You might think it to be unfair, however you are dealing with human beings. And human beings are selfish.

Then what would it take to influence these people? Let's look upon this from their perspective. They have their own family and friends that they interact with on a regular basis, and usually the family takes precedence in all business affairs. This results in a organization that runs the "family business" in a manner that serves the best interests of the family. Does this sounds like gangsterism? Of course! You will discover that even at the lowest level, most gangs are made of family members. As the circle of power and influence gets larger, the same basic principle applies. The family exerts its control over a multitude of "other people". But what to do? Even Allah commands that we take care of our parents and family. But Allah does not command us to do evil, and create mischief and destruction!

Turn away from the ignorant, Julia. Hold to forgiveness, and command what is right. Seek refuge with Allah when thoughts of evil cross your mind, and maintain your prayers. I am your family now, Julia. So let us come together, and I will love you. I am the one who loves you.

Qur'an 20110719

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

186. To such as Allah rejects from God's Guidance, there can be no guide. God will leave them in their trespasses, wandering in distraction.

187. They ask you about the Hour: when will be its appointed time? Say, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord. None can reveal as to when it will occur. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. Only all of a sudden will it come to you." They ask you if you were eager in search thereof. Say, "The knowledge thereof is with Allah, but most humans know not."

188. Say, "I have no power over any good or harm to myself except as Allah Wills. If I had knowledge of the unseen, I should have multiplied all good, and no evil should have touched me. I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad tidings to those who have faith."

189. It is God who created you from a single person and made his mate of like nature, in order that he might dwell with her. When they are united, she bears a light burden and carries it about. When she grows heavy, they both pray to Allah their Lord, "If You give us a goodly child, we vow we shall be grateful."

190. But when God gives them a goodly child, they ascribe to others a share in the gift they have received. But Allah is exalted high above the partners they ascribe to God.

191. Do they ascribe to God as partners things that can create nothing, but are themselves created?

192. No aid can they give them, nor can they aid themselves!

193. If you call them to guidance, they will not obey. For you it is the same whether you call them, or you hold your peace!

194. Verily those who you call upon besides Allah are servants like unto you. Call upon them, and let them listen to your prayer, if you are truthful!

195. Have they feet to walk with? Or hands to lay hold with? Or eyes to see with? Or ears to hear with? Say, "Call your 'god-partners', scheme against me, and give me no respite!"

196. "For my protector is Allah, Who revealed the Book, and God will choose and befriend the righteous."

197. "But those you call upon besides God are unable to help you, and indeed to help themselves."

The Heights 7:186-195


The knowledge thereof is with my Lord. None can reveal as to when it will occur. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. Only all of a sudden will it come to you.

The knowledge thereof is with Allah, but most humans know not.

I have no power over any good or harm to myself except as Allah Wills. If I had knowledge of the unseen, I should have multiplied all good, and no evil should have touched me. I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad tidings to those who have faith.

Call your 'god-partners', scheme against me, and give me no respite!