Sunday, April 30, 2017

Hello, my Darling

Hi Erin, how are you doing today?  I hope you are trying to keep at home and staying safe, and not doing something reckless because you are bored.  You have to remember that you are a Queen now, you are my Rock and Roll Queen.  And you don't see royalty gallivanting around without an armed guard, do you?  If you are bored, why don't you try an intellectual pursuit?  The Internet is a huge place.  Or maybe you can build something like a model jet fighter.  There are so many things you can do with your mind.  Please realize how important you are, how important you are to me, and keep safe OK?

Hi Natty, how's it going with you?  Are you drinking lots of water, and not giving away all your hard-earned money?  I must say that you always look gorgeous in a bathrobe.  I'm trying to guess where you would be that would have cherry blossoms right now, but those hills don't look like Japan.  They look like USA.  You keep safe as well, especially when you're playing tourist.  Don't forget how beautiful you are and how much of a temptation that is to others.

I watched "Logan" today.  It made me cry.  What a beautiful little girl.  That's such a perfect recipe for a tearjerker, when the hero gives his life fighting to save his daughter, and she stays at his side weeping as he dies, saying "Daddy, Daddy!"  **sob**  I think I'll go watch it again tonight.