Thursday, July 16, 2020

Pizza is great

Hi Natty!  How are you?  Have you had your pizza yet?  I love pizza.  I've been eating a lot of pizza lately.  Lately instead of doing yard work, I've been making pizza.  Tonight's pizza was sausage and jalapenos.  Well, the local equivalent of jalapenos.  But that was it, I've run out of cheese and I can't afford to buy more.  So it's back to doing yard work.  I've done all I could for the International Pizza Month.  At least I didn't disrespect pizza by not celebrating the Great Pizza Day like some people, who not only have the means but also the responsibility to dress up like a pizza, eat nothing but pizza, and drink pizza flavored soda.  These people will be remembered by history as being "not great" or even worse, "not that great".  You're an activist, right?  Maybe you can get some people together and go around chanting, "Pizza is great!  Pizza is great!"