Thursday, February 27, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140227

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful beloved.  I spent pretty much all of yesterday cleaning house, my little house that is.  There's still a long way to go, but I got a lot done today.  I cleared out what will be the master bedroom inshaAllah, and I got a little bit done on what will be your bathroom/closet Julia inshaAllah, and I want to do more work on that cage where you want to move the kitchen to.  That quinine tree is annoying though, and it has to be removed, and I can't do it.  I need to call in the pros.  Then I got distracted by some bamboo.  I love bamboo, I love trimming and shaping it into drumsticks.  I need a rotary tool.  I did a lot of work on my office/bedroom where I sleep on the floor, the most cleaning I've done in years.  I did manage to do some burning over at Casa de Julia inshaAllah this morning.  Very slowly.  I'm a lazy man.  Slow and lazy.  I also have an obsession with independence.  Yeah I know, there's no such thing as absolute independence, but Friday will be my 48th birthday, and I've lived most of that time with just me, Allah, and at least one cat.  Yeah, I'm kind of like a wild animal.  But my wives will have the most control over me that any human can have.  I love them, that's why.  I'm preparing for us to be rooted in one place and together all the time, inshaAllah.  I pray that you are doing the same.