Sunday, May 3, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150504

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh hi, Erin!  Sweetie!  How are you feeling today, my love?  I pray that you are feeling healthy and happy.  It's just another mundane day for me here.  I had to get a cell phone.  Yeah, I hate cell phones, and if I had a choice I wouldn't have one.  But my Mom is entering surgery, so I had to get one.  It's not one of those expensive toys, in fact it's rather cheap.  But it does run Android, and with a big enough SD card, it can be quite enjoyable.  It took me a while to get the right wallpaper, because you're so pretty!  Erin I love you, and I need you.

Little ---- is eating her cat food again.  All this lack of appetite crises!  President Bobby seems to be OK, even though he won't eat in front of me.  He has tons of energy, and is as macho as can be, so I can't say that he's sick.  I'm starting to think that his main rival is Bat Cat I, who happens to be completely independent, so I guess Bobby is attempting to match him.  This cell phone does have a camera.  It's only 2 megapixels, but I'm going to post pictures of my kitty family.  Here's a picture of Mama Cat!  Her name is Floofy al-Ramadan, aka Floofy Darling, aka Floofy al-Woofy, aka Woofy al-Floofy, aka al-Floofy Woofy.  Oh no!  No photos of me yet!  I'm not pretty like you.  It's going to take me a while.